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Showing posts from July, 2013

Egypt, Syria, Iran, Israel.... Grady Harp reviews Requiem

Requiem A Tale of Exile and Return a novella by Erel Shalit order from Amazon ( English or Hebrew ) Requiem returns us to an eternal theme, a dialogue with Soul, and we know quite well what happens when one dialogues with Soul—we change, consciousness is enlarged, the impossible becomes possible and we no longer are compelled to blindly follow in the deathly path of our forefathers. Requiem is a fictitious account of a scenario played out in the mind of many Israelis, pertaining to existential reflections and apocalyptic fears, but then, as well, the hope and commitment that arise from the abyss of trepidation. While set in Israel sometime in the present, it is a story that reaches into the timelessness of history, weaving discussions with Heine and Kafka into a tale of universal implications. Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine: Grant them eternal rest, O Lord By Grady Harp HALL OF FAME   TOP 50 REVIEWER   VINE™ VOICE ...